Should You Get A Tattoo?
Should You Get A Tattoo?
Are you ready for one?
Are you artsy?

- Yes, I'm an artist
- No, art is not my strong suit
Do you like expressing yourself?

- Yes, I love expression
- No
Are you unique?

- Yes, very unique
- No, I'm not special
Are you creative?

- I am very creative
- I'm not creative at all
Do you have a lot of money to spare?

Are you indecisive?

- Not at all
- I have a hard time making decisions
Are you shy?

- I am a social butterfly
- I am very shy
Are you out-going?

- Yes, and everybody loves me?
- No, I'd rather stay in
Do you like planning things out?

- Everything in my life is planned out beforehand
- I like to go with the flow
Are you thoughtful?

- Yes, and I tend to overthink
- Not really