How Much Of A Baking Expert Are You?
How Much Of A Baking Expert Are You?
Can you bake almost anything?
Have you ever burned yourself on the stove?

- Many times
- A few times
- When I was a kid
- Never
How often do you use the microwave?

- Multiple times a day
- Once a day
- A few times a week
- I don't own a microwave
Can you measure without measuring cups?

- Yes
- No, that's impossible
- It depends on what the ingredient is
Do you have a full set of measuring cups and spoons?

- Yes
- No
- I used to, but I lost some
How often do you bake?

- Everyday
- Few times a week
- Few times a month
- Few times a year
Has anyone ever complimented you for something you've baked?

- Yes, all the time
- Yes, but only once
- No
Do you have to read instructions when baking something?

- Yes, who doesn't?
- It depends on the recipe
- No
Has your fire alarm ever gone off when baking something?

- Every time
- Once or twice
- Never
How often do you look for new recipes?

- Everyday
- Couple times a week
- Couple times a month
- Only around the holidays
- I never look for new recipes
Do you like learning about new baking techniques?

- Yes, as much as I can
- When I have the time
- No, that's boring
- No, I've already learned everything there is to know