Which Lazy Day Are You?
Which Lazy Day Are You?
How lazy are you feeling today?
Do you like spending all day in bed?

- Yes, my bed is my favorite place to be
- If I'm in that kind of mood
- No
Do you like wearing pajamas?

- Yes, they are comfy
- Only when I'm going to bed
- No
Do you like relaxing on the couch?

- Yes, I could stay on the couch all day
- When I'm watching TV
- I don't really like couches
Do you like watching TV?

- Yes, it's one of my favorite things to do
- If there's a show on that I want to watch
- No, TV is lame
Are you stylish?

- Of course
- Sometimes
- Not at all
Do you like dressing comfortably?

- Absolutely
- Sometimes
- Not really
Do you go to the gym often?

- Everyday
- Once in a while
- Never
Do you like going to the gym?

- Yes, it's one of my favorite places
- Only when I have to go
- No, I hate it
Do you like being outside?

Do you like sitting in the sun?

- Yes, I like getting tan
- It's okay
- No, I burn easily