Based On These Ten Questions, We Will Tell You What People Say About You
Based On These Ten Questions, We Will Tell You What People Say About You
What could they possibly say?
Are you nice?

- Yes, and everybody loves me
- Only when I have to be
- I'm never nice
Do you like helping people?

- Yes, whenever I can
- Only when I have to
- No, people can look out for themselves
Are you a thinker?

- Yes, I love to think
- Sometimes
- No, I never think
Are you a role-model?

- Yes, everybody looks up to me
- Maybe, I wouldn't know
- Absolutely not
Do you have courage?

- Yes, I am very courageous
- Depends on the circumstance
- No, I'm a scaredy cat
Do you stand up to your fears?

- Yes, I go out of my way to conquer my fears
- When the opportunity arises
- No way
Can your friends rely on you?

- Of course they can
- Sometimes
- Nope
Do you really listen instead of just waiting for your turn to talk

- I prefer to listen
- I listen, but I also like to talk
- I'm just waiting to talk
Are you funny?

- Yes, I'm hilarious
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Do you like being around others?

- All the time
- When I'm in the right mood
- No, I prefer being alone