Which Dinosaur Are You?
Which Dinosaur Are You?
Which one do you happen to be?
How important are your friends and family to you?

- Very important
- Somewhat important
- Not that important
Are you a peacemaker?

- Yes, I like making peace wherever I go
- Not really
- Not at all
Are you a serious person

- Yes
- Depends on the situation
- No
Do you try to avoid conflict?

- Yes, I don't like conflict
- Sometimes
- No, I usually cause the conflict
Do you get angry easily?

- I'm always angry
- Yes, but I try not to
- I rarely get angry
Are you stubborn?

- Yes, no one is more stubborn than me
- Sometimes
- I am not stubborn
Do you speak your mind?

Do you like being around people?

- Yes
- Ocassionally
- Not usually
Are people intimidated by you?

- Yes, and I like it that way
- I don't think so
- No way
Are you stoic?