How Strange Are You?
How Strange Are You?
Are you a strange person?
Do people have a hard time figuring you out?

- All the time
- Sometimes
- Not really
Are you individualistic?

- Definitely
- Occasionally
- No, I blend in with the crowd
Are you interesting?

- Of course
- Kind of
- Not at all
Are you good, bad, or neutral?

Are you unique?

Do you stand out?

- All the time
- Sometimes
- Never
Do you prefer being normal?

- Yes, I'd rather be normal than be weird
- It depends on my mood
- No, I'd rather be weird
Are you weird?

- Of course
- Sometimes
- Not at all
Do you have any weird hobbies?

- All of my hobbies are weird
- It depends on who you ask
- None of my hobbies are weird
Do you like living a simple life?

- Yes, simple is good
- I like to mix it up sometimes
- No, I don't like being simple