What Small Thing Will Make You Happy Today?
What Small Thing Will Make You Happy Today?
What will make your day?
How would you say your luck is?

- It's great
- It's good
- It's okay
- It's not the best
Would you consider yourself a charitable person?

- Yes I would
- I'd like to think so
- Not at all
Can the weather make or break your mood?

How do you feel about talking on the phone?

- I absolutely love it
- It's alright
- I'm not a fan
Do you look forward to taking a shower to relax?

- Yes I do
- Sometimes
- No I don't
Do you get stressed easily?

- Yes I do
- Sometimes I do
- No I don't
What's your favorite time of the day?

- Morning
- Afternoon
- Evening
What type of mood are you usually in?

- Happy
- Anxious
- Frustrated
- Bored
- Sad
- Other
Would you say you're a peaceful individual?

- No I wouldn't
- I'm not sure
- Yes I would
Are you happy with your life?

- Yes I am
- Not really
- No I'm not