Who Do You Miss The Most Right Now?
Who Do You Miss The Most Right Now?
Are they someone you're always thinking about?
Were you close with this person?

- Of course
- I was pretty close
- I wasn't too close
Has this person passed away?

- Yes they have
- No they haven't
Do you think they miss you?

- Yes I do
- I hope so
- Not at all
Are you close with your family?

- Yes I am
- Not really
- No I'm not
How often do you think about them?

- All the time
- Almost all the time
- Sometimes
- Not too often
- Barely
Is this person upset with you?

- Yes they are
- Not that I know of
- Not they're not
How long ago did you leave them?

- Not long ago
- Pretty long ago
Do you need to reconcile with this person?

- No I don't
- I don't think so
- Yes I do
Has this person taught you quite a lot in your life?

- Yes they have
- No they haven't
Did you use to talk to this person daily?

- Yes I did
- Almost
- No I didn't