How Assertive Are You?
How Assertive Are You?
Do you take charge?
While ordering food, you see your order was made incorrectly. What do you do?

- Ignore it
- Think about what to say
- Go up and let them know they made a mistake
- Politely let them know
- I don't know
If someone kept pronouncing your name wrong, would you correct them?

- Probably not
- Absolutely
- I'm unsure
Do you mind asking for directions when you're lost?

- I hate it but I'll do it
- I won't do it at all
- Of course I don't mind asking
Would you say you're a pretty confident person?

- Definitely
- Not at all
- I'm unsure
Are you shy about voicing your opinions?

- It depends on the person
- Not usually
- Not at all
- Yes I am
Which word best describes you?

- Outgoing
- Sarcastic
- Understanding
- Reserved
- Shy
How do you tend to act if someone is rude to you?

- Cold
- Sarcastic
- Indifferent
- Upset
- I just try to ignore them
Do your opinions easily waver?

- Yes they do
- I try not let them
- No they don't
Are you a fan of getting revenge?

- Of course
- Depends on the situation
- Definitely not
Would you say you're an extrovert or introvert?