How Much Tax Are You Okay With Paying?
How Much Tax Are You Okay With Paying?
How much do you mind being taxed when buying items?
How do you usually spend your tax refund?

- I pay debt off
- I go shopping
- I save it
- I go on vacation
- Other
Do you believe that a higher tax rate will help the economy?

- Absolutely
- I haven't really thought about it
- Of course not
What region do you currently live in?

Do you think tax is too high for your region?

- Absolutely
- It's tolerable
- Not at all
What do you believe should be taxed?

- Only expensive purchases such as cars
- Nothing
- Materialistic items but not food
- Everything
- Other
How much do you currently make an hour?

- Under $10
- $10-$13
- $14-20
- $21-$29
- $30+
Would you mind raising taxes in order to help the poor?

- Of course not
- Yeah because it's my money
- I'm unsure
Do you believe the rich should be higher taxes?

- Definitely
- It depends
- Not at all
What type of job do you work in?

- Blue-collar
- White-collar
- Self-employed
- Other
What party do you identify with?

- Democrat
- Republican
- Other