What Would Your Name Be If You Were Born In 1960?
a29e784 What Would Your Name Be If You Were Born In 1960? What Would Your Name Be If You Were Born In 1960? Back in the 60s, things were mighty different than they are today! From free love and vinyl albums to Cream magazine and drive-ins; not much about the 60s is as popular today, including the names! What would your name have been if you were born in 1960? Would it be anything like your name today? Let's find out with this revealing quiz! #quiz #funQuiz

Which high school stereotype were you?

Which high school stereotype were you?
  • Nerd
  • Jock
  • Prep
  • Outsider
  • Artist

Which high school dance was always your favorite?

Which high school dance was always your favorite?
  • Sock Hop
  • Homecoming
  • Prom
  • Spring fling
  • Sadie Hawkins

You've screwed up big at work. How do you avoid getting fired?

You've screwed up big at work. How do you avoid getting fired?
  • Admit to my mistake.
  • Avoid mentioning it.
  • Tell my boss face to face.
  • Blame someone else.
  • Quit and never go back.

Which 60's artist holds a place in your heart?

Which 60's artist holds a place in your heart?
  • The Beatles
  • Bob Dylan
  • The Rolling Stones
  • The Beach Boys
  • The Who

What would you eat if you wanted to feel nostalgic for the past?

What would you eat if you wanted to feel nostalgic for the past?
  • A milkshake
  • Mom's meatloaf
  • A casserole
  • Pepperoni pizza
  • A pineapple upside down cake

What's your biggest pet peeve about modern times?

What's your biggest pet peeve about modern times?
  • People are too self focused.
  • There's too much technology.
  • All of the cameras everywhere.
  • The fast pace.
  • The cost of everything.

Does Jello ever belong in casserole form?

Does Jello ever belong in casserole form?
  • Yes, it's delicious!
  • No, let Jello be jello.
  • I'm undecided.

What was your New Year's resolution this year?

What was your New Year's resolution this year?
  • To get a better job.
  • To lose five pounds.
  • To find true love.
  • To travel more.
  • To meet new people.

What's the last food you made from scratch?

What's the last food you made from scratch?
  • Bread
  • Pancakes
  • Apple pie
  • Chicken broth
  • Avocado toast?

If you were forced to get involved with your school play, what kind of role would you take?

If you were forced to get involved with your school play, what kind of role would you take?
  • Star
  • Director
  • Lighting
  • Set design
  • Seat usher