What Kind Of Sinner Are You?
c38cac7 What Kind Of Sinner Are You? What Kind Of Sinner Are You? We all have a little bit of sinner in us at times. Do you think you know what kind of sinner you are? Take these 10 questions and find out just how wicked you are!

You are not a fan of your brother's significant other, how do you handle the situation?

You are not a fan of your brother's significant other, how do you handle the situation?
  • I try to break them up
  • I try to persuade her not to be with my brother
  • I secretly root against them
  • I don't do anything

A stranger at a party is flashing you lustful eyes, what do you do?

A stranger at a party is flashing you lustful eyes, what do you do?
  • I walk up to them and kiss them
  • I talk to them and see where it goes
  • I ask them back to my place
  • I flash the eyes back but do nothing

Are you happy for friends or family when they buy something new that you also wanted?

Are you happy for friends or family when they buy something new that you also wanted?
  • Absolutely
  • No because it's not me
  • It depends on the item

You just won the lottery, what's the first thing you do?

You just won the lottery, what's the first thing you do?
  • Buy everything I've ever wanted
  • Buy a nice car/house
  • Give some to my family and friends
  • Lie to how much I won so no one asks me for money
  • Put it into savings

What do you believe is your best quality?

What do you believe is your best quality?
  • My intuation
  • My looks
  • My creativity
  • My social skills
  • My intelligence

What do you believe is the worst of the ten commandments to break?

What do you believe is the worst of the ten commandments to break?
  • Thou shall not steal
  • Thou shall not commit adultery
  • Thou shall not covet

How quick are you to pay someone back after they loan you money?

How quick are you to pay someone back after they loan you money?
  • As soon as I can
  • Almost immediately
  • I take my time
  • I pay them back eventually
  • I don't pay them back

When meeting someone new, how are you most likely to be?

When meeting someone new, how are you most likely to be?
  • Warm and friendly
  • Reserved and distant
  • Talkative and social
  • Cautious and standoffish
  • Quiet and shy

What is your biggest vice?

What is your biggest vice?
  • Drinking
  • Being promiscuous
  • Gambling
  • Shopping
  • Overeating

How easily do you get jealous of other people?

How easily do you get jealous of other people?
  • Quite easily
  • I get jealous sometimes
  • I don't get jealous