What Do You Love Most About Your Partner?
What Do You Love Most About Your Partner?
What makes you absolutely cherish your loved one?
Which of these qualities is most important for your partner to have?

- Loyalty
- Individuality
- Humor
- Confidence
- Kindness
Which of these is the biggest turn off?

- Insecurity
- Cockiness
- Too serious
- Rudeness
- Ignorance
Which one are you in the relationship?

- The calm one
- The spontaneous one
- I have no clue
Does your partner have any problems with standing out from the crowd?

- Not at all
- Sometimes they do
- Yes they do
Would you say your partner is insecure or confident?

- Insecure
- Confident
- A bit of both
How long have you been with your partner?

- Under a year
- 1-4 years
- 5-7 years
- 8-9 years
- 10+ years
Do you and your partner fight often?

- Not at all
- Sometimes we do
- We do quite a bit
What would your partner do for you if you were having a bad day?

- Try to be understanding of my problems
- Cuddle me or hold me close
- They'd try to make me laugh
- They'd take me on a date to forget
- Other
What's the sweetest gesture your partner could do?

- Give me a heartfelt compliment
- A surprise trip
- Taking me to the doctors when I'm sick
- A sweet gift
- A passionate kiss
How often do you go on dates with your partner?

- Every other day
- Once a week
- Every few weeks
- Every few months
- I'm not sure