What Type Of TV Show Matches Your Personality?
What Type Of TV Show Matches Your Personality?
Are you more like a TV drama or comedy sitcom? Take this quiz now to find out!
Choose the word to best describe your closest friend.

- Intense
- Funny
- Hard-working
- Outgoing
- Kind-hearted
Pick a sweet treat!

- Ice cream
- Fudge brownies
- Lollipops
Which baby animal gives you the most warm and fuzzy feelings?

What makes you the MOST angry?

- When people aren't excited about what they do
- When others are pessimistic and 'Debbie Downers'
- When someone has no ambition
- When you want to go somewhere or do something new and you're prevented from doing it
- When others bother your friends
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most, how funny do you think you are?

What is your dream job?

- Stand-up Comedian
- Professional Baker
- Private Investigator
- President of your own company
- Safari Tour Guide
What quality does your perfect significant other NEED to have?

- Passion
- Humor
- Ambition
- An adventurous spirit
- Protectiveness
Do you like to travel?

- Yes!
- It depends on where I'm going
- Not really
What type of novels do you read most often?

What's most important to you in life?

- Following your heart
- Enjoying yourself
- Achieiving goals
- Experiencing new things
- Spending time with people you care about