Which Of The Three Attitudes Do You Have?
Which Of The Three Attitudes Do You Have?
Which attitude describes you well?
Do you keep to yourself?

Do you think decisions over before you go through with them?

- Always
- Sometimes
- No, I don't need to
Do you overreact easily?

- Yes
- Sometimes, but I try not to
- Never
Do you choose your words wisely?

- Every word I speak is chosen carefully
- It depends on the situation
- No, why should I?
Do you take it out on others when you've had a bad day?

- All of the time
- I do sometimes, but I feel bad afterwards
- No, it's not right
How often do you do or say things you come to regret?

- Very often
- More often than I want to admit
- Very rarely
Do you like helping people?

- Yes, it's one of my favorite things to do
- I try to be of help when I can
- I don't like helping people
Do you care when bad things happen to others?

- Yes
- It depends on who it is
- If it's not me, then who cares?
Do you donate to charity?

- As often as I can
- Once in a while
- Never
Are you nice to animals?

- Yes, I treat them like they're people
- I treat them okay, but not like people
- No