Could You Handle A Long-Distance Relationship?
Could You Handle A Long-Distance Relationship?
Are you ready for one?
Do you like going on dates?

- Yes, as much as possible
- Once in a while
- They're not really important
Do you like being able to touch your significant other on a regular basis?

How long do your relationships usually last?

- A few weeks
- A few months
- A few years
Do you prefer talking face to face?

- Yes, in person
- Yes, but through a computer screen is fine
- No, I prefer texting
How often do you usually talk to your significant other?

- All day long
- When something important happens
- When they are around
How important is sex in a relationship to you?

- Very important
- Somewhat important
- Not that important
Do you miss your partner even when they're gone for short periods of time?

- Yes
- It depends on where they went
- No, they can take as long as they want
How old are you?

Do you like flying or driving long distances?

Do you like having a lot of space?

- Yes, it's very important to me
- Sometimes
- No, I like being around someone