What Costume Should You Wear To A Halloween Party?
What Costume Should You Wear To A Halloween Party?
Should you wear something spooky or something goofy?
What type of costumes do you prefer?

- Something sexy
- Something scary
- Low effort costume
- Classic costume
- Other
What is Halloween to you?

- A time to party
- All about the scares
- A time to celebrate with family and friends
- A time to trick or treat
- A time to be creative
Favorite type of candy?

- Chocolate
- Lollipops
- Something fruity
- Other
Do you get scared easily?

- Very easily
- Not really
- Not at all
Pick a movie to watch on Halloween

- Scream
- Nightmare On Elm Street
- Blair Witch Project
- Paranormal Activity
- Halloween
What will you most likely be doing for Halloween?

- Trick or treating
- Throwing a party
- Scaring people
- Attending a party
- Not sure
Do you enjoy creating your own costumes or buying them?

- Creating them
- Buying them
- I don't care either way
What would you most likely be doing at a Halloween party?

- Scaring everyone that passes me
- Flirting around
- Just talking with everyone
- Probably off to the side by the food
What's the most important part of a Halloween costume?

- Standing out
- Being as scary as possible
- That it's comfy and effortless
- That it looks cute
- I'm unsure
Favorite part about fall?

- Pumpkin flavored everything
- The scary aspect of Halloween
- Everything
- The weather
- Other