How Much Of A Leader Are You?
How Much Of A Leader Are You?
Are you more of a leader or follower?
When you consider yourself competitive?

- Very
- Sometimes I am
- Not really
Do you mind standing out from the crowd?

- Not at all
- It depends
- Definitely
When assigning tasks, do you ever think of the other person's skills or interests?

- No I don't
- I try to
- Of course I do
Do you ever doubt yourself?

- All the time
- I try not to
- Never
Would you consider yourself a confident person?

- Absolutely
- I try to be
- It depends
- No I'm not
Do you ever find yourself expecting too much out of others?

- All the time
- Sometimes I do actually
- Of course not
Would you consider yourself a perfectionist?

- Yes I would
- It depends on the tasks
- No I wouldn't
Do you ever trying to understand the feelings of others when they're sad?

- Of course
- I try to
- No I don't
Do you ever find yourself struggling with change?

- All the time
- From time to time
- It depends on the situation
- Not at all
Would you say you're a hard-worker?

- Definitely
- I try to be
- I wouldn't but others would
- No I wouldn't