Will You Live To Be 100?
Will You Live To Be 100?
Will you live to be 100 years old? Answer these ten questions about your personality and lifestyle to find out!
How old are you now?

- 30 or younger
- 30-50
- 50 or older
Which type of country do you live in?

- 1st world
- 2nd world
- 3rd world
Have you ever broken a bone?

- Yes, many times
- Yes, once or twice
- No
Your friend invites you to try sky diving. Do you do it?

It's your birthday and you get a free dinner at your favorite restaruant. What do you order?

- Steak and fries
- Spaghetti with alfredo sauce
- Fish and steamed vegetables
How often do you exercise?

- More than once a week
- At least once a week
- At least once a month
- Less than once a month
Do you ever feel depressed?

- Yes
- Yes, but only when something bad happens
- No
Have any of your other family members lived to be 100?

You are feeling sick. Do you see a doctor?

- Yes
- Yes, but only if I think I am dying or if I don't know what is wrong
- No
You would say your lifestyle is...

- Healthy
- Average
- Unhealthy