How Self-Aware Are You?
How Self-Aware Are You?
Can you truly see yourself?
Which are you most comfortable with?

- Being a spectator
- Being a director
- Being an actor
Do you usually say what's on your mind regardless of the consequence?

- Yes I do
- Most of the time I do
- No I don't
Do other people's opinions matter to you?

- Only if it's someone I trust
- Not at all
- Yes they do
What is your greatest fear?

- Being mediocre or wrong
- Being worthless
- Being abandoned
- I'm not sure
What do you tend to focus on more?

- Myself
- Humanity as a whole
- Other people
Do you ever find it difficult to talk to people who have different opinions from you?

- Of course not
- Sometimes I do
- Quite often actually
Does your attitude change depending on who you're with?

- It does
- Not really
- No it doesn't
Which do you regularly experience?

- Sadness
- Growth
- Achievement
How is your thinking?

- Creative and imaginative
- Focused
- Linear
- I'm not sure
How would you describe your relationships?

- Independent
- Codependent
- Interdependent