What Makes You Sensual?
What Makes You Sensual?
What's so sexy about you?
Are you a confident person?

- Very confident
- I'm a bit confident
- Not at all
What do you believe is your best feature?

- My eyes
- My body
- My personality
- My voice
- Other
Are you clumsy at all?

- Not at all
- Sometimes I am
- All the time
Do you love your body?

- Yes I do
- I try to
- No I don't
Do you consider yourself introverted or extroverted?

When do you usually give the first kiss?

- After the first date
- After a few dates
- Whenever I feel ready
- I don't give the first kiss
Do you ever have any trouble attracting the attention of others?

- Not at all
- Sometimes
- Yes I do
What's your signature move?

- A wink
- Slight touch to the arm
- Kiss on the cheek
- I don't have one
Where do you usually meet your partners?

- At a club
- The bar
- At work
- Through friends
- Other
Do you consider yourself a bold person?

- Yes I do
- Sometimes
- Not really