What Is Your Vice?
What Is Your Vice?
What has you trapped?
What is your favorite way to relax on Friday night?

- Going to the casino
- Going to a bar
- A quick smoke after work is all you need
- Going out
Which is your favorite city in the world?

- Las Vegas, United States
- London, England
- Beijing, China
What takes up the most room in your trash?

- Books to teach you to count cards
- Empty beer cans
- Cigarette butts
- A variety of foodstuffs
- Empty heart-shaped boxes of candy
Are you a sensitive person?

- Yes I am
- It depends
- No I'm not
Do you gamble?

- Yes I do
- Sometimes
- No I don't
Do you drink alcohol at all?

- Of course I do
- No I don't
Do you use any recreational drugs?

How do you handle stress?

- Terribly
- I'm okay with it
- I deal with it well
Do you have an addictive personality?

- Yes I do
- I don't think so
- No I don't
Do you think you could stop your vice whenever you wanted to?

- Yes I do
- I'm not sure
- No I couldn't