Which Strong Female Book Character Are You?
Which Strong Female Book Character Are You?
Which heroine do you happen to be?
How strong are your beliefs?

- I'll never change them
- They're pretty strong
- I'll change them if proven wrong
In your opinion, love is:

- Overrated
- Amazing with the right person
- Not something you're interested in
- I'm not sure
Do you have a habit of questioning everything?

- Yes I do
- Not usually
- No I don't
How long do you spend getting ready in the morning?

- 5 minutes
- 15 minutes
- 30 minutes
- 40 minutes
- An hour or more
Would you consider yourself a polite person?

- Yes I would
- I try to be
- No I'm not
What is your greatest fear?

- Never finding love
- Failing someone
- Being completely alone
- Settling down
- Losing your family
Which word best describes you?

- Honest
- Romantic
- Curious
- Rebellious
- Creative
How stubborn are you?

- Incredibly stubborn
- Pretty stubborn
- I'm not stubborn
How close are you with your family?

- Incredibly close
- I'm pretty close
- I'm not close with them
Do you like mysteries at all?

- Definitely
- Only if it's something really interesting
- I don't care about them