Where Will You Live In 2 Years?
Where Will You Live In 2 Years?
Where in America will you end up living?
What sounds good right now?

- Sushi
- Lobster roll
- Ribs
- Tacos
- Not sure
Which season do you prefer?

- Fall
- Winter
- Spring
- Summer
Is there any weather you cannot stand?

- Snow
- Too much rain
- Humid weather
- Nothing really
Would you mind a ton of tourists visiting your area?

- Yes I would
- No I wouldn't
Which part of America would you prefer to live on?

What's most important for a state to have?

- Entertainment
- Hospitality
- Good food
- Beautiful landscape
- Other
Do you like to be around people?

- No I hate crowds
- I love being around people
- I don't mind it
What terrain would you prefer most?

- Costal cliffs
- White beaches
- Rugged deserts
- Flat prairies
- Other
Would you rather live in the city, suburbs or rural area?

How would you like your neighbors to act?

- Warm and friendly
- I don't want any business with them
- I don't know