How Eccentric Are You?
How Eccentric Are You?
Do you act like you are supposed to? Take this quiz to find out just how eccentric you really are.
Do you collect anything?

- I collect many things
- I have one collection
- Not really
- I don't know
Has anybody ever accused you of being a hoarder?

- Yes
- Not that I know of
- No, but I have accused others
- No
- I don't know
Which group would you want to join?

- Green shirts
- Blue shirts
- Yellow shirts
- Purple shirts
- Red shirts
- I don't know
Are your eyes different colors?

- No
- No, but that would be cool
- Yes
- I don't know
If you saw this on the street, what would you do?

- Snap a photo
- Run the other way
- Just keep walking
- Pretend I was one of them then jump out at the next person who came walking by
- Steal one
- None of these
Is it ok for your food to touch?

- Yes
- Depends on the food
- No
- I don't know
Do you have any phobias?

- I have many
- One or two
- I don't think so
- I don't know
Has anybody ever accused you of going over the top when celebrating a holiday?

How tempted are you to push this duck in the water?

- Very
- Somewhat
- Not at all
- I don't know
Do you shop at thrift stores?

- Yes
- I have a few times
- Too many germs
- None of these