What Would You Do If There Was No Internet?
What Would You Do If There Was No Internet?
What would you do if the Internet ceased to be tomorrow?
How much time do you usually spend on the internet?

- Less than an hour
- 1-3 hours
- 4-6 hours
- 7-9 hours
- 10+ hours
Does your job require the Internet?

- Yes it does
- No it doesn't
- I don't have a job
What do you primarily use the Internet for?

- News and information
- Social media
- Online gaming
- Other
Do you find yourself procrastinating often because of the Internet?

- Yes I do
- Sometimes
- No I don't
How many devices with Internet do you have?

After you wake up in the morning, how long does it take you before you look at the Internet?

- I look as soon as I open my eyes
- Within an hour
- Within 6 hours
- It may take all day
How many different social media accounts do you have?

How do you usually feel when the Internet goes down at home or work?

- Frustrated
- Angry
- I'd be fine
- I'm not sure
Do you ever do any online shopping?

- I do frequently
- Occasionally
- Rarely
Do you think you could live without Internet?

- Of course
- I'm not sure
- Not at all