Which Tea Are You?
Which Tea Are You?
Which fits your personality?
Are you sweet?

- Yes, of course
- Sometimes
- No way
Do people like being around you?

- Yes, I'm the life of the party
- In the right environment
- No, I'm weird and gross
Are exotic?

Are you bold?

- Very much
- Kind of
- Not really
Are people inspired by you?

- All the time
- Sometimes
- Never
Are you subtle

- Yes
- Kind of
- Not in the slightest
Are you unique?

- Yeah, I'm amazing
- I don't think so
- No
Are you a rational thinker?

- Yes, I think everything through fully
- It depends
- No
Are you straightforward?

- Yes, being straightforward is always the best option
- If I have to be
- I don't like being straightforward
Are you simple?

- Yes, simple is good
- Not really
- No, being simple is lame