What Will You Be Doing In 5 Years?
What Will You Be Doing In 5 Years?
Five years is a long time for new opportunities to arise. What could you possibly be doing?
Are you a risk-taker?

- Yes I am
- Not really
- Somewhat
Would you rather be the leader in a job or a follower?

Do you have any kids?

What's your dream job?

- To own my own business
- Photographer
- Actress
- Doctor
- Other
What's most important to you in life?

- Love
- Fame
- Money
- Culture
- I'm not sure
What is your current martial status?

- Married
- Single
- Dating
- Other
Are you an independent person?

What is your current employment status?

- Retired
- Own my own business
- Currently working
- Not working
What is your living situation?

- Still living with parents
- Living with partner
- Living on my own
- Other
What is your sleeping habit?

- I stay up late and sleep all day
- I go to bed early and rise early
- I go to bed late and wake up early
- I'm not sure