How Good Are Your Instincts?
How Good Are Your Instincts?
Can you react at the drop of a hat?
How old are you?

- 18-21
- 22-30
- 31-50
- 51-64
- 65+
What do you do when you accidentally drop something?

- Successfully catch it in mid-air
- Try to catch it in mid-air, but miss
- Wait for it to land, then pick it up
- Wait for it to land, look for it, then pick it up
- I didn't even see it fall
You feel a pain in your chest, how long do you wait until you see a doctor?

- The same day
- The next day
- Sometime that week
- Sometime that month
- Never
You see an old lady trying to cross the street, what do you do?

- Help her across
- Tell her when it's safe to go
- Get someone else to help her
- Don't help, you could get hit by a car yourself
- Ignore her
How do you handle change?

- Very well
- Well
- Okay
- Not so well
- I don't like change
How important are first impressions to you?

- Very important
- Somewhat important
- Not very important
- Not important at all
- I don't believe in first-impressions
How often do you second-guess yourself?

- With every decision I make
- With most decisions I make
- Ocassionally
- Not too often
- Never
Do you consider yourself more creative or more logical?

- Creative
- Logical
- Both, but more creative
- Both, but more logical
- Neither
When something new is happening, are you more excited or anxious?

- Excited
- Anxious
- Both, but more excited
- Both, but more anxious
Are you male or female?