Which Of The Three Energies In Your Body Is The Most Dominant?
Which Of The Three Energies In Your Body Is The Most Dominant?
Which of the three do you happen to be?
How would you describe your height?

Do you lose weight easily?

- Not at all
- It depends
- Yes I do
How would you describe your body frame?

- Thin and lanky
- Broad and thick
- Medium and symmetrical
How would you describe your complexion?

- Clear and bright
- Reddish and blotchy
- Dry and rough
Which word best describes you?

How would you describe your hair?

- Dry and frizzy
- Fine with early thinning
- Full and shiny
How would you describe your sleep pattern?

- I sleep deeply
- I wake up sporadically
- It depends
Are you the type of person who gets warm easily?

- Yes I am
- Not usually
- No, I'm usually cold
How are you under stress?

- I become very anxious
- I become withdrawn
- I get irritable
Do you have a short fuse?

- Yes I do
- It depends
- No I don't