What Kind Of Inventor Are You?
What Kind Of Inventor Are You?
What type of mindset do you get into when you create?
Do you need to be alone when you create?

- Yes I do
- It depends
- Not at all
Do you perfer trying new ways to get your results or traditional methods?

- New ways
- Traditional ways
Would you consider yourself a perfectionist?

- Yes I would
- Not really
- Not at all
Which interests you more?

- Math
- Science
- Space
- Art
- Literature
- None of these
How are you with technology?

- I'm terrible with it
- I'm okay with it
- I excel with it
Do you ever get lost in your daydreams?

- All the time
- Sometimes I do
- Not really
- Not at all
Is being recognized for your invention important to you?

- Very important
- It's not that important
- It's not at all important
Do you enjoy helping others?

- Of course
- It depends
- Not really
Do people truly understand you?

- Not at all
- They try to
- Yes they do
Are you a hard-worker?

- Absolutely
- I can be
- I wouldn't say so