Which Year Was Your Soul Born?
Which Year Was Your Soul Born?
When was your soul born? Are you an old soul or a new soul? Answer these questions to find out!
In your dreams you are...

- Myself
- Someone else
- I switch between myself and dreaming I am other people
How often is your sense of intutition right?

- All of the time
- Some of the time
- Hardly ever
Your friends need advice. What do you do?

- Give them the best advice I can
- Give them okay advice
- Tell them to ask someone else for advice
Do you think before you speak and act?

- No
- No, I just think before I act
- Yes
Do you ask a lot of questions?

- Yes
- No
- No, but I answer a lot of questions for others
On a weekend night you are most likely to be...

- Practicing my hobbies
- Partying with friends
- Spending time with my family
When you were in school you found history class to be...

- Exciting
- Boring
- Like any other class
Are you anxious or calm more often?

- Anxious
- Calm
- A mix of both
There is a new fashion trend. Do you go along with it?

- Yes
- No, I keep wearing what I like
- No, I love vintage fashion more than new trends
Do you respect your elders?

- Yes
- No
- Yes, but only if they respect me