Which Word Would Describe How Your Life Was In The 90s?
Which Word Would Describe How Your Life Was In The 90s?
Was it totally awesome?
Which item of clothing did you wear in the 1990s?

- A leather jacket and jeans
- A flannel shirt
- Whatever was clean
- I don't remember
- All of them! I kept up with all the trends
What do you remember most from the 90s?

- Sitting down and remembering the 80s
- 'Friends' premiering
- The OJ Simpson trial
- Being born
- Woodstock '94
What band were you listening to most in the 90s?

- Old Beatles tracks
- Mariah Carey
- Nirvana
- I don't remember
- Metallica
Which movie did you most enjoy from the 90s?

- The Phantom Menace
- The Shawshank Redemption
- Schindler's List
- The Godfather...?
- American Pie
What 90s invention was most important?

- The DVD
- The World Wide Web
- Clippy, the Microsoft Office Assistant
- The car
- Google
What toys did you own in the 1990s?

- Barbie
- A Furby
- I had no toys
- I wasn't born yet
- A Stretch Armstrong doll
What do you miss most about the 90s?

- The 1980s being only ten years ago
- Everything, it was the best decade
- Nothing, I'm glad it's over
- I don't remember
- Being the first kid on the block with a Tamagotchi
What did your first computer run?

- Windows 98
- We didn't have a computer
- What's a computer?
- Apple II OS
Which 90s fad do you want to make a comeback?

- Nothing, I'd prefer the 70s to come back instead
- What wouldn't I!? My Little Pony, bleached hair, overalls.....the list goes on!
- The slow internet
- I can't remember any 90s fads
- Fanny packs, platform shoes and rollerblades
Which 1990s TV show did you most like?

- Reruns from the older shows
- The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Hmm...let me think...
- Seinfeld