What Is Your Dominant Daily Emotion?
What Is Your Dominant Daily Emotion?
Which emotion do you feel on a daily basis?
You usually wake up feeling:

- Peaceful
- Happy
- Stressed
- Tired
- Other
Do you dread going to work?

- All the time
- Sometimes
- No I don't
- I don't work
Which would you consider yourself?

- Optimistic
- Realistic
- Pessimistic
How many times do you cry on an average day?

- None
- Maybe once
- 2-3 times
- 4 times or more
Do you try to do at least one good deed a day?

- Yes I do
- I don't think about it
- No I don't
How would you feel if things just kept going wrong all day?

- Frustrated
- Calm
- I'd feel like life is against me
- I'd feel okay
- Other
Do you get angry easily?

- Very easily
- Somewhat
- No I don't
How are you usually with taking bad news?

- I'm pretty good with it
- It depends
- I'm terrible with it
Do you have regrets?

- Who doesn't?
- I try not to have any
- No I don't
How do you usually feel going to bed?

- Exhausted
- Hopeful
- Peaceful
- Happy
- Other