What Does Success Mean To You Based On Your Personality?
What Does Success Mean To You Based On Your Personality?
How will you have a successful life?
What is your main goal in life?

- Just to be happy
- To be recognized by many
- To find my talent
- Having a good family life
- Other
How happy are you in life currently?

- Very happy
- Pretty happy
- Not the happiest
How determined are you to reach your goals?

- I'm very determined
- I'm pretty determined
- I'll let it come naturally
Would you consider yourself a perfectionist?

- Yes I would
- I'm not sure
- Not at all
Which one do you consider yourself?

- Realist
- Pessimist
- Optimist
How is your current work situation?

- Great
- It's going okay
- Not the best
- I don't work
How good are you at what you do?

- I'm very efficient
- I'm pretty good at it
- I'm not the best
- I don't have a special talent
Do you feel discouraged or anxious easily?

- All the time
- Sometimes
- Not at all
Would you consider yourself a hopeful person?

- All the time
- Usually
- Sometimes
- Not usually
Which of these are you most passionate about?

- Finding my own path in life
- My relationships
- My career
- Living in the moment
- My talent