What Is Your Goal In Life?
What Is Your Goal In Life?
What do you want to achieve?
Are you happy with your current job?

- Not at all
- I can tolerate it
- I love it
Do you like where you currently live?

- It's alright
- I really like it
- I hate it
What place are you at in your life?

- I'm surviving day by day
- I'm happy and healthy with a great family
- I'm content with my life
- I feel as though I'm lacking something
- Other
Do you have a significant other?

- Yes and I love them
- Yes but it's not going well
- I tend to date around
- No but I want one
- No but I don't care
What would be your ideal way of living?

- Lavishly
- Having enough money to be comfortable
- Living the way I do now
- I'm not sure
What age will you settle down?

- My early 20's
- My late 20's to early 30's
- I'm already settled
- Whenever I feel ready
- I'm not sure
Do you feel that going to college is necessary?

- Depends on your goals
- Absolutely
- Not at all
- Not necessary but beneficial
- I'm unsure
Where does your imagination tend to run off to?

- I daydream all the time about the future
- I usually live in the moment
- Somewhere new and unfamiliar
- It doesn't usually run off
- None of these
What skill would you love to acquire?

- Speaking multiple languages
- Motivational speaking
- Basic first aid and CPR
- Carpentry skill
- Other
What do you think is the most important part to having a job?

- Making money
- Having new experiences
- Loving it
- The vacation time
- Everything