What Is Your True Birth Name?
What Is Your True Birth Name?
Which name is meant to be your true name?
How would your friends describe you?

- Rebellious
- Shy
- Carefree
- Caring
- Other
Would influence you the most?

- My parents
- My grandparents
- My friends
- Other
Are you an outgoing person at all?

- Not at all
- I'm a very outgoing person
- It depends on the situation
Which do you wish you were more of?

- Outgoing
- Caring
- Outspoken
- Energetic
- Other
Would you say you have more book smarts or street smarts?

- Book Smarts
- Street starts
- A bit of both
- Neither
Which word resonates with you most?

- Love
- Peace
- Creativity
- Honesty
- Postive
How judgmental of a person are you?

- I'm quick to judge
- I try to never judge
- It depends on how I feel
How do you see life?

- As a journey
- As a story
- Something that passes by too quick
- Other
Are you a persuasive person at all?

- Yes I am
- Not really
- Not at all
What do you wish you were doing right now?

- Reading
- Sleeping
- Traveling
- Eating great food
- Other