Can We Guess What You Hate?
Can We Guess What You Hate?
What just makes your blood boil?
Which do you dislike more:people interrupting you or people ignoring you?

- People interrupting me
- People ignoring me
Would you say you hate a lot of things?

- Yes I do
- Not really
- No I don't
How often do you get into arguments?

- Very often
- I get into them every once in awhile
- Not very often
Are you a passive-aggressive person?

How do you feel about the holidays?

- I love them
- I don't really have an opinion
- I find them annoying
Which social norm are you not a fan of?

- Small talk
- Meeting new people
- Attending boring functions
- Eye contact
- None of these
Do you ever have an issue with people eating around you?

- I absolutely hate it
- I don't really mind it
- I'm totally fine with it
Do you road rage often?

- I get very angry while driving sometimes
- Not usually
- Not at all
Which do you dislike more: looking for a parking space or getting stuck in traffic?

- Looking for a parking space
- Getting stuck in traffic
What type of people can you not stand?

- Overly cheery people
- Two-faced people
- Snobby people
- Ignorant people
- Rude people