What Should Other People Know About You?
What Should Other People Know About You?
What something that others don’t know but should?
Do you care what others think about you?

- Of course I do
- It depends on how I feel that day
- Not at all
How are you around new people?

- I'm very shy
- I'm pretty comfortable
- It depends
What type of people do you dislike most?

- People who use others
- Lazy people
- Judgemental people
- Ignorant people
- Other
Does your mind constantly run?

- Yes, I can never shut it off
- Only if I'm stressed or something similar
- I can usually quiet my thoughts
What do you usually do when you're upset?

- I take it out creatively
- I talk to a loved one
- I try to ignore my problems
- I try to figure out a solution
- Other
When was the last time you donated to charity?

- Just the other day
- About a week ago
- A few months ago
- About a year ago
- I don't remember
Do you tend to make decisions based on facts or emotions?

- Facts
- It depends
- Emotions
Do you have big dreams for your life?

- Of course I do
- Not really
- I'm content where I am
Do you ever tell others your secrets?

- Of course not
- Sometimes I do
- Yes I do
How do your friends usually act around you?

- They treat me nicely
- They're fun to be around
- They always ask me for my advice
- They always ask me to help out
- Other