What Should Be Your Vintage Name?
What Should Be Your Vintage Name?
What old-fashioned name would suit you?
Would you say you're nice to strangers?

- Yes I am
- I try to be
- Not really
Do you follow tradition at all?

What sounds like something you'd like to do?

- Paint in the garden
- Take care of the local animals
- Go to a party
- Sleep the day away
- None of these
Do you try and follow the social norm?

- Not at all! I'm unique
- It depends
- Yes I do
How are you with making friends?

- I make them very easily
- I don't have too much trouble making friends
- It's hard for me to make friends
Choose a item that you'd love to wear

- Shiny pearls
- A lacy slip dress
- A jeweled headband
- A beautiful hat
- A coat in a wild color
Do you prefer to go out or stay indoors?

- I prefer to go out
- I like to stay in
What do you wish to be known for?

- My individuality
- My charm
- My creativity
- My strong sense of justice
- My kindness
- Other
Do you quickly change opinions?

- Absolutely not
- Sometimes
- I do quite often
Pick a gemstone that appeals to you

- Diamond
- Opal
- Sapphire
- Ruby
- Emerald