What Will Your Son Be Like?
02d61c6 What Will Your Son Be Like? What Will Your Son Be Like? Just what will your precious bundle of joy be like one day? Will his personality reflect on his mother and father or will he forge his own identity? Want to know your future son's personality? Take this quiz and find out!

Where did you grow up for the majority of your childhood?

Where did you grow up for the majority of your childhood?
  • The city
  • The suburbs
  • A small town
  • Out in the country

Which childhood activity was always your favorite?

Which childhood activity was always your favorite?
  • Finger painting
  • Hitting the playground
  • Reading
  • Studying
  • Playing pretend

Do you feel more relaxed hanging out with friends or by yourself?

Do you feel more relaxed hanging out with friends or by yourself?
  • Hanging out with friends.
  • Hanging out on my own.
  • It depends on the day.

What kind of parent will you be?

What kind of parent will you be?
  • Hands on.
  • Free range.
  • Helicopter.
  • Tiger parent.
  • Supportive and sweet.

How would you like to dress your son?

How would you like to dress your son?
  • Like a little gentleman.
  • Like a little outdoorsman.
  • In clothes he can run around in.
  • He an pick out his own clothes.
  • In whatever is clean.

What kind of movies will you watch with your son?

What kind of movies will you watch with your son?
  • Pixar
  • Disney
  • Superhero films
  • Movies based on books
  • None of these

How will you foster your son's imagination?

How will you foster your son's imagination?
  • Lots of toys and playtime.
  • Lots of pretend and dress up.
  • Art projects.
  • Through books and reading.
  • None of these.

Be honest, are you a bit of a worrier?

Be honest, are you a bit of a worrier?
  • Absolutely, I worry about everything.
  • Sometimes, but there's always a reason.
  • Nope, everything works out as it should.

What was your favorite game as a kid?

What was your favorite game as a kid?
  • Hide and seek
  • Tag
  • Kick the can
  • Jumprope
  • Cops and robbers

You would most like your son to be....

You would most like your son to be....
  • Creative
  • Confident
  • Intelligent
  • Kind
  • Adventurous