What Are People Calling You Behind Your Back?
02obrNP What Are People Calling You Behind Your Back? What Are People Calling You Behind Your Back? Do you ever wonder if people are saying something about you behind your back that they wouldn’t say to your face? Find out what people are most likely to be calling you behind your back.

When you spend time with people you don't know well, how do you act?

When you spend time with people you don't know well, how do you act?
  • Normal
  • More Confident
  • More Nervous

When hanging out with close friends and family, how do you act?

When hanging out with close friends and family, how do you act?
  • Quiet
  • Talkative
  • Happy

What do you most hope that people would never call you?

What do you most hope that people would never call you?
  • A Liar
  • A Thief
  • A Bore

What would you rather be called?

What would you rather be called?
  • Bold
  • Beautiful
  • Brilliant

Which animal makes a better pet?

Which animal makes a better pet?
  • Dog
  • Cat
  • Mouse

Do you really care what people say about you?

Do you really care what people say about you?
  • I care a lot.
  • I care a little.
  • I don't care at all.

What do you hope to do with your life?

What do you hope to do with your life?
  • Make a Difference
  • Enjoy it to the Fullest
  • Find Peace and Contentment

Who do you prefer to spend more time with?

Who do you prefer to spend more time with?
  • New People
  • Old Friends
  • People You Can Trust

Who are you more likely to avoid?

Who are you more likely to avoid?
  • Someone Who Exaggerates
  • Someone Who Is Negative
  • Someone Who Is Distant

How many people do you know that you can trust completely?

How many people do you know that you can trust completely?
  • None
  • A Few
  • A Lot