Do You Have Any Manners?
Do You Have Any Manners?
Can you pass this basic etiquette quiz?
When out with friends, do you have a tendency to check your phone?

- Not at all
- Sometimes
- Quite a lot
How do you usually greet new people?

- With a fist bump
- Just a simple hello
- With a handshake
- Other
How often do you run late?

- Almost all the time
- Pretty often
- Practically never
Do you ever leave a tip when going out?

- Of course I do
- If I have enough change
- No I don't
If you received a birthday gift by mail, how would you thank the person?

- By email
- I wouldn't
- Text them
- Send them a handwritten letter
Do you ever chew with your mouth open?

- All the time
- Sometimes
- Never
Do you believe in the saying, "Treat others how you wish to be treated." ?

- Of course
- Depends on the person
- No I don't
Are you the type to easily get in fights?

Which of these is most important while talking to someone in a professional setting?

- Maintain eye contact
- Eye contact
- Getting all your words in
- Being relatable
Do you usually bring something when invited to a dinner party?