What Kind Of Mother Are You?
03ymEyy What Kind Of Mother Are You? What Kind Of Mother Are You? A mother’s behavior towards her children helps to shape their emotional growth. What kind of mother are you?

How many kids do you have?

How many kids do you have?
  • The perfect number
  • Not enough yet
  • A few too many

What is your favorite part of your daily routine?

What is your favorite part of your daily routine?
  • Cooking and Cleaning
  • Playing with Kids
  • Getting Out of the House

How protective are you?

How protective are you?
  • Somewhat
  • Not at all
  • Too much

What childhood age is most fun?

What childhood age is most fun?
  • Infancy
  • Toddler Years
  • School Age

What is your biggest hope for your children?

What is your biggest hope for your children?
  • Success
  • Happiness
  • Health

When did you know you wanted to be a mother?

When did you know you wanted to be a mother?
  • As a kid
  • As an adult
  • When I became one

What do you do if your child is seriously hurt?

What do you do if your child is seriously hurt?
  • Panic
  • Stay calm
  • Panic calmly

Which is more important for your child's health?

Which is more important for your child's health?
  • Regular checkups
  • Healthy meals
  • Vitamins

What do you hope your children learn from you?

What do you hope your children learn from you?
  • Compassion
  • Cooperation
  • Confidence

Which mother would you rather be more like?

Which mother would you rather be more like?
  • Lois from Malcolm in the Middle
  • Kitty from That 70's Show
  • Sophia from The Golden Girls