What Is Your Old English Name?
What Is Your Old English Name?
Ever wonder what your name would be in the old english days? Take this quiz to find out!
What letter does you name begin with?

Would you say your a pessimist or optimist?

- Definitely optimistic
- Pessimistic
- A bit of both
- I'm not too sure
Which of these would you say you're most known for?

- Your beauty
- Your loyalty
- Your cheery demeanor
- Your carefree additude
- Your tough side
Which of these are the most important to you?

- My alone time
- Love
- My family
- Being happy
- None of these
Would you say you get scared easily?

- Yes, even my shadow scares me.
- A little bit
- Not really
- Not at all
How would your friends describe you?

- As the loyal friend
- As the beautiful friend
- As the cheerful friend
- As the gloomy friend
- Other
What can we find you doing on a Friday night?

- Probably baking something
- Reading a good book
- Taking a bath
- Sleeping somewhere
- Other
Pick an item that appeals to you most.

- Hairbrush
- Locket
- Pillow
- Yo-yo
- Raven
Are you more shy or outspoken?

- I'm a shy person
- I'm outgoing
- I'm bit of both
- I'm not sure
Which of these would you fear most?

- Being alone
- Someone calling me ugly
- Being disappointed
- Having to do a ton of work
- None of these