Are You More LIke Your Mother Or Your Father?
05fecaa Are You More LIke Your Mother Or Your Father? Are You More LIke Your Mother Or Your Father? Even though it may be your worst fear, you do share qualities with your parents. Do you believe you are more like your mother or your father? Take this quiz and find out!

Who did you always go to for advice as a child?

Who did you always go to for advice as a child?
  • Mom
  • Dad
  • My grandparents
  • My teachers
  • My friends
  • Other

Growing up, were a daddy's girl?

Growing up, were a daddy's girl?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes
  • When I wanted something

Which parent was the most strict with you as a child?

Which parent was the most strict with you as a child?
  • Mom
  • Dad
  • Both
  • Neither
  • Other

What do you believe is the best childhood pet?

What do you believe is the best childhood pet?
  • Dogs because they're loyal
  • Cats because they teach patience
  • Rabbits because they teach gentleness
  • A fish because it takes zero work
  • Other

Where would you most likely find your mom on a Sunday?

Where would you most likely find your mom on a Sunday?
  • Helping at church
  • Tending her garden
  • Catching up on work
  • Relaxing outside
  • Visiting with family
  • Other

Do you consider yourself to be an old soul?

Do you consider yourself to be an old soul?
  • Absolutely
  • Nope
  • Sometimes

What do you plan on doing after you retire?

What do you plan on doing after you retire?
  • Traveling the world
  • Pursuing my hobbies
  • Learning a new skill
  • Spending time with my family
  • Volunteering
  • Other

What did your parents do with your old room when you moved out?

What did your parents do with your old room when you moved out?
  • Turned it into a guest room
  • Kept it exactly the same
  • Turned it into an exercise room
  • Turned it into a craft room
  • Other

What is your favorite breakfast meal?

What is your favorite breakfast meal?
  • French toast
  • Just coffee
  • A bagel sandwich
  • Pancakes
  • A huge omelet
  • Other

How would you describe your style in one word?

How would you describe your style in one word?
  • Classic
  • Trendy
  • Vintage
  • Comfortable
  • Practical
  • Other