Do You Belong In 1956, 1966, or 1976?
073e8ce Do You Belong In 1956, 1966, or 1976? Do You Belong In 1956, 1966, or 1976? Sensibilities and values changed drastically from the 50s to the 70s. What was hip and normal in one decade was totally out the next! When it comes right down to it, which of these years do you belong in? Is your personality more suited to 1956, 1966, or 1976? Answer with total honesty and we'll reveal the truth!

You're home alone for the day. What are you going to do?

You're home alone for the day. What are you going to do?
  • Clean the house.
  • Listen to my favorite songs on full blast.
  • Hang out in the nude. Why not?

As a child, all you really wanted to do was...

As a child, all you really wanted to do was...
  • Change the world.
  • Be a mother.
  • Be in charge.

People often perceive you as someone who is very....

People often perceive you as someone who is very....
  • Reliable
  • Free-spirited
  • Independent
  • Humble

What are your thoughts on camping?

What are your thoughts on camping?
  • It's not for me, too many bugs.
  • It's my favorite thing!
  • It's okay sometimes.

You're craving a bit of alcohol. What kind of drink do you go for?

You're craving a bit of alcohol. What kind of drink do you go for?
  • A fruity cocktail
  • A glass of wine
  • A nice cold beer

You would never ever leave the house without....

You would never ever leave the house without....
  • A nice bright lipstick.
  • A good book for downtime.
  • A great pair of sunglasses.
  • My smartphone.

Who or what inspires you the most?

Who or what inspires you the most?
  • My family.
  • My friends.
  • Music and art.
  • Movies or TV.

You can only pick one word to describe yourself. What will it be?

You can only pick one word to describe yourself. What will it be?
  • Demure
  • Spirited
  • Stubborn

Which color car would you most want to drive?

Which color car would you most want to drive?
  • Teal
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Red

At the end of the day, you wish the world were more....

At the end of the day, you wish the world were more....
  • Peaceful
  • Fair
  • Loving
  • Family oriented