What Is Your Couple Personality?
What Is Your Couple Personality?
How are you and your significant other defined?
What would be a typical date for you two?

- Picnic in the park
- Movie and dinner
- Probably eating pizza and relaxing at home
- Riding bikes
- I'm not sure
Do you ever get butterflies around them?

- All the time
- Sometimes
- No I don't
Which do find most attractive in a partner?

- Loyalty
- Humor
- Romantic
- Good looks
- Strong opinions
Would you rather your partner be totally similar or different?

- I'd rather them be similar to me
- I'd prefer different from me
- I don't care
What would you and your date most likely argue about?

- Music
- Trust
- Social issues
- Nothing
How did you and your partner meet?

- Through work
- Online
- We actually use to hate each other
- Mutual friends introduced us
- Other
How often do you two usually go on dates?

- Once a week
- Multiple times a week
- Every few weeks
- Every few months
- I don't even remember
What's one thing you two always do together?

- Crack jokes
- Everything
- Travel
- Share advice
- Something else
Do you belong to a social group?

- Yes we do
- Not really
- No, we're fine by ourselves
Do you disagree much?

- Quite a bit
- Not usually
- Never