Can We Guess How You Died In Your Past Life?
092e1c1 Can We Guess How You Died In Your Past Life? Can We Guess How You Died In Your Past Life? How exactly did you die?

Were you an honorable person?

Were you an honorable person?
  • I would say yes
  • I've been told so
  • Not that I think
  • Not at all

Which of these careers sound the most appealing to you?

Which of these careers sound the most appealing to you?
  • Solider
  • Racecar driver
  • Construction worker
  • Sailor
  • Fortune Teller

Which of these describe you best?

Which of these describe you best?
  • Mysterious
  • Hot headed
  • Absent minded
  • Loyal

Which of these are you most afraid of?

Which of these are you most afraid of?
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Cars
  • Weapons
  • Other

Would you say you have high morals?

Would you say you have high morals?
  • Yes I do
  • Not at all
  • I'm unsure

Are you a klutz at all?

Are you a klutz at all?
  • Yes, very.
  • Not really
  • Not at all

Favorite time period?

Favorite time period?
  • Anything before the 13th century
  • The 16th century
  • The 18th century
  • Other/I don't have one

Which of these could you never do?

Which of these could you never do?
  • Work underneath a tyrant
  • Fight in a war
  • Steal from people
  • Lie to save myself
  • Being operated on

Do you ever have weird recurring dreams?

Do you ever have weird recurring dreams?
  • All the time
  • Not really
  • Never

Do you believe in recarnation?

Do you believe in recarnation?
  • Of course
  • No
  • I'm unsure