Which Two Animals Are You And Your Partner?
09VBI9v Which Two Animals Are You And Your Partner? Which Two Animals Are You And Your Partner? If you and your partner were each an animal, which two animals would you be? Would you be the fierce animal of the twosome or the gentle one? Take these 10 questions and find out!

Are you more or less fit than your partner?

Are you more or less fit than your partner?
  • More fit
  • Less fit
  • We're total equals

When it comes to traveling, who makes the plans, you or your partner?

When it comes to traveling, who makes the plans, you or your partner?
  • I make the plans
  • My partner makes the plans
  • We both have input and roles

Would you describe your partner as an introvert or an extrovert?

Would you describe your partner as an introvert or an extrovert?
  • Introvert
  • Extrovert
  • They're a mix of both

When it comes to chores, who's doing the work?

When it comes to chores, who's doing the work?
  • I do all of the chores
  • My partner takes care of the chores
  • We share the responsibility
  • It depends on the day

When it comes to children, what's your role?

When it comes to children, what's your role?
  • I'm the primary caretaker
  • My partner and I have equally important roles in our kids lives
  • My partner does the lions share

What's the most important thing in life?

What's the most important thing in life?
  • Money
  • Love
  • Family
  • Happiness
  • Success

When you and your partner have a disagreement, how do you reconcile your differences?

When you and your partner have a disagreement, how do you reconcile your differences?
  • Screaming match all the way
  • We are civil and talk it out
  • They talk while I nod along
  • We laugh it off and make up

What is your favorite landscape to be in?

What is your favorite landscape to be in?
  • Forest
  • City
  • Suburbs
  • Rural country

If your partner were a color what color would they be?

If your partner were a color what color would they be?
  • Blue
  • Black
  • Yellow
  • Red
  • Orange

How often do you and your partner have a date night?

How often do you and your partner have a date night?
  • Every week
  • Once a month
  • Whenever we can find the time
  • We don't have a date night